Silica Nanoparticle Characterization Using the iEM Platform

In recent years, silica nanoparticles (such as mesoporous silica nanoparticles, MSNPs) are receiving increasing interest as potential vehicles drug for controlled drug delivery. In order to help researchers to make an informed judgment on the suitability of the structure for drug delivery, Creative Biostructure offers silica nanoparticle characterization solutions, involving size, surface area, internal pore size, pore structure, and other physical parameters. Our services and solutions can promote the understanding of the rate and mechanism of the degradation of the nanoparticles as well as the development of silica nanoparticles as novel drug delivery systems.

Silica Nanoparticles (SiO2 NPs) and Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles (MSNPs)

Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles (MSN) loaded with camptothecin anticancer drug - Cryo-EM microscopy.

As one of the most complex and most abundant materials, silica can exist in the form of a variety of mineral compounds and synthetic products. In recent years, there has been increasing growth in research on silica (SiO2) nanoparticles due to their facile synthesis routes and wide range of uses in various applications, such as drug delivery, nanostructuring, and optical imaging agents. Silica nanoparticles include mesoporous and nanoporous. The pore size and structure of the two nanoparticles are different and can be be easily controlled by changing the composition of the surfactants and co-assembly conditions during synthesis. Silica nanoparticles are considered to be the safest non-toxic particles for DNA conjugation and drug delivery. They have many advantages, including easy and low-cost large-scale manufacturing, good biocompatibility, large pore volume, and specific surface area, and controlled particle size. Mesoporous silica materials have pore sizes ranging from 2 to 50 nm. Mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNPs) have attracted widespread attention over the last decade because of their distinctive and versatile physiochemical properties, such as chemical functionality, mesoporous structure, and precisely tunable macroscopic form.

Characterization of Silica Nanoparticles at iEM Platform

The morphology and external diameter of nanoparticles, as well as their surface area and pore architecture, are key parameters that determine the application of synthesized nanoparticles in vivo drug delivery. We are able to visualize individual nanoparticles and associated particle-aggregate morphologies, and the detailed internal structure of silica nanoparticles based on the combination of SEM and TEM.

  • Size and morphology of silica nanoparticles.
  • Silica nanoparticle agglomeration.
  • The extent and internal structure of individual nanoparticles.
  • Surface characteristics of silica nanoparticles.

    A combination of high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and BJH Pore Size and Volume Analysis are applied to accurately determine the nanoparticle pore size and architecture.

    Pore mesostructure of silica nanoparticles.

    In order to further investigate the details of the porous mesostructure of silica nanoparticles, high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy (HAADF-STEM) and HRTEM are applied.

Application of Our Services

Mesoporous silica nanoparticles as drug deliveries.

In total, at iEM Platform, we can investigate the physical and structural properties of a set of silica nanoparticles, promoting their biomedical application as drug delivery systems.

  • Investigation of cargo-carrying properties of silica nanoparticles.
  • Investigation of degradation of silica nanoparticles under physiological conditions.
  • Investigation of nanoparticle coating for delayed cargo release.

Silica nanoparticles are immensely stable, comparatively biocompatible, and less toxic, making them the preferred choice for drug delivery and other biological applications. CDB-iEM is a unique integrated electron microscopy platform built by Creative Biostructure. Based on our advanced platform and professional experts, we are capable of offering a detailed analysis of silica nanoparticles, in terms of their external shape and diameter, surface area as well as pore diameter and structure available for the absorption of cargo. If you would like to know more about our unique platform, our solutions, or company policy, then please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to talking to you.

  1. Huang, X., et al. (2014). "Characterization and comparison of mesoporous silica particles for optimized drug delivery." Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology, 4(Godište 2014), 4-2.
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