Glass Characterization Using the iEM Platform

Glass is a key element in many applications, such as engineering, design, and art. More glass is used today than ever before. The increasing importance and complexity of glass require more advanced analytical methods to understand the material. Electron microscopy (EM) analysis is a useful method to investigate the microstructure characterization and composition of glasses and glass products.

Services Offering at the iEM Platform

At the iEM Platform, we are specialized in the characterization and evaluation of glasses and glass products. We can provide valuable information on glasses, such as crystalline structures, morphologies of the crystallized phases, internal defects of glasses, and so on. We offer the following tools for glass analysis, including,

  • Scanning electron microscopy/ energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM/EDS)

Texture of the snowdrift in cross section between two glasses.

SEM/EDS analysis is utilized to investigate the microstructure and composition of materials, including glasses. SEM provides detailed high-resolution images of the specimens using an electron beam, not by light. This technique involves the detection of secondary or backscattered electron signals after electron interactions between materials by means of rastering a focussed electron beam through an area. EDS is an analytical technique used to obtain elemental identification and quantitative compositional information. Like SEM, EDS uses the electron beam to interact with the sample material and measures the energy of x-rays that are emitted from them. The position of the wave peak in the spectrum identifies the element, while the intensity of the signal corresponds to the concentration of the element.

Our SEM/EDS analysis capabilities include:

-Structural characterization and compositional analysis of glasses.

-Identification of coating on glass.

-Glass defect analysis and chemical analysis of glass defects.

-Particulate and contaminant analysis on and within glasses.

  • Transmission electron microscopy (TEM)

TEM is a versatile analytical tool for the characterization of a variety of materials. In the TEM, a high-energy electron beam penetrates a sample that is typically no more than 100 nm thick, and the electron "shadow" of the sample is observed and digitally recorded. TEM allows for high-magnification imaging as well as high-spatial-resolution EDS analysis. In particular, TEM is well suited to analyzing filtered residues, thin delamination flakes, and fragments of glass vials to reveal important structural, elemental, and crystallographic features of glasses, thus solving problems related to general and specific glass delamination. Glass delamination is a complex issue that has a significant impact on the quality of drugs packaged in glass vials and the development of resistant packaging materials.

Glass factory produces various transparent glass thickness.

Applications of Our Services

  • Classification between glass types.
  • For glass research and development, such as correlation study of flexural and compressive strength with microstructural parameters of glass.
  • Glass corrosion/delamination/degradation for pharmaceuticals.

Please contact us if you are interested in our services. Creative Biostructure looks forward to working with you on your next project.